Entry #1
March 29, 2020
Welcome to my Blog! I hope to keep y’all entertained and up-to-date on everything that I have going on musically in my life. As of right now, every gig, every show, every party has been either cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19. What a crazy time we live in right now. However, it has allowed me to stay at home and write write write! My plan is to have at least 5 songs perfectly polished by the end of summer and to release them for all of you in the fall. If it wasn’t for this free time, I wouldn’t have been able to make that a realistic goal. There is a little sunshine in the chaos I suppose.
A few things about the songs I am writing…my process is always different when I write. Sometimes I begin with a really catchy hook, line, or phrase. Other times I begin by writing about a feeling and I have no idea where the song will end up. Or I start with a melodic groove and I run with a beat. I am all over the place lately, in a good way. I love how diverse every idea has been. I am really striving to dig deeper into those vulnerable feelings and thoughts that no one wants to talk about in public. It is difficult! But it is real! I hope y’all are staying safe and healthy. Stay tuned for more music updates!
